Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Aashu najhara timi Lyrics

Artist/Singer:Kishor Bhatta
Musician:Bibek Pandey
Lyricist:Bibek Pandey
Posted on:21st April, 2015
Public views:3207 times

Wo wo wo wo 
Wo wo wo wooooo Anshu NAjhara timi 
Mero samu huuuuu 

Anshu najhara timi mero samu 
Bujhekai chu maile timro maya 
(Birsideu sano kura 
Maan ma nahana chura) 2 
Bujhekai chu maile timro maya 
Wo wo wo wo 
Wo wo wo wooo 

(Juni juni ma timrai 
Juni juni timi merai) 2 

Khayeka chau hamile pahilei bacha 
(Haata ma haata deeu 
Sansar lai bhuli hera ) 2 
Paune chau timle mero sanchoo maya 

You are my life and soul 
You are my breath and blood 
The day without you wooo wooo 
I cannot make me fine 

Wo wo wo wo 
Wo woo wo wo... 

Anshu najhara timi mero samu 
Bujhekai chu maile timro maya 

(Mero maan ma heri bhana timro maya kati cha ) 2 
Paune chau dherai dherai khusi haru timi 
Paune chau dherai dherai maya pani 

(Maa aa aa aaa aa aahhh yaaa) 2 

(Hasi deu ek fera 
Malai timro thanera) 2 
Bujhekai chu maile timro maya 

Anshu najhara timi mero samu 
Bujhekai chu maile timro maya 

You are my life and soul 
You are my breath and blood 
The day without you ohhhh wooooo 
I cannot make me fine... 


